Coming out of a air-conditioned room, eating hot food, or wearking a mask, your glasses could easily fog up, and your vision would be temporarily hindered. You do not need to worry about that anymore! The ZEISS Anti-fog Spray can suppress moisture from attaching onto the glasses, for up to 72 hours. A cleaning cloth is included, so you can also be used as cleaner to remove fingerprints or grease on the glasses. Suitable for optic glasses, telescope, smartphones, tablets, lab tops, LCD monitors or camera lens etc.
Product Features
- Patented design from ZEISS
- Prevent glasses from fogging up for up to 72 hours
- ZEISS's exclusive high-purity formula, will not damage glasses and coatings on them
- Small in size, easy to carry around
Product Specifications
Volume: 15ml
Cleaning Cloth Size: 13 x 13cm
Coming out of a air-conditioned room, eating hot food, or wearking a mask, your glasses could easily fog up, and your vision would be temporarily hindered. You do not need to worry about that anymore! The ZEISS Anti-fog Spray can suppress moisture from attaching onto the glasses, for up to 72 hours. A cleaning cloth is included, so you can also be used as cleaner to remove fingerprints or grease on the glasses. Suitable for optic glasses, telescope, smartphones, tablets, lab tops, LCD monitors or camera lens etc.
Product Features
- Patented design from ZEISS
- Prevent glasses from fogging up for up to 72 hours
- ZEISS's exclusive high-purity formula, will not damage glasses and coatings on them
- Small in size, easy to carry around
Product Specifications
Volume: 15ml
Cleaning Cloth Size: 13 x 13cm